Jun 6, 2024
2 min read

I am peace, peace is within me, peace is all around me.
I release all fear that tried to tell me I should be somewhere different.
In this moment, I am safe and secure.
I am willing to see love available to me in this experience.
All contrast brings me clarity.
I am present.
I need only focus on right here, right now.
I am relaxed and calm.
I can get through difficulties.
I'm doing my best.
I am more than my job.
I am enough.
I offer myself rest and relaxation.
I am deserving of my own love and care.
I take care of my mind, body, and spirit.
I make healthy choices.
I know how to take care of myself.
I can help others when I help myself first.
I care for myself because I love myself.
My self-care is a priority.
My peace matters.
I treat myself as I would a dear friend.
I am strong.
I am capable of overcoming anything.
I am resilient.
I always overcome obstacles.
Nothing can stand in my way.
I can get through hardship.
I believe in myself.
I am a wonderful person.
My confidence and self-esteem are high.
I know my worth.
I love who I am.
The people in my life love and support me.
I am deserving of what I desire, and I will achieve it.
I radiate confidence.
I make decisions that support my highest good.
I am courageous.
I learn and grow through difficulty.
I always pick myself back up.
I am powerful.
I will press on and go forward.
I release what no longer serves me.
I am adaptable.
I am proud of myself.
I am happy and healthy.
I am living with purpose.
Every day is a gift.
I am full of joy.
I feel at peace.
I am positive.
I love being alive.
Every day I embody the best version of myself.
I'm surrounded by love.
My life is abundant.
I have everything I need.

My story is filled with broken pieces, terrible choices, and ugly truths. It's also filled with a MAJOR comeback, Peace in my Soul And Grace that saved my Life!!!