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Overcoming Stress

Jun 25, 2024

2 min read




I've noticed over the past week that my stress levels have been unusually high. Work issues, problems at home, and the general pressures of life have been overwhelming me. This morning, I realized I needed to take a step back, reassess, and employ my coping skills.

While I know how to handle stressful situations, it's easy to let them get the best of me. A situation at work, completely out of my control, caused significant stress. Despite expressing my concerns, my boss made a decision I was against. He's the boss, so I had no real say, but the outcome upset me deeply. Why do we allow things beyond our control to dictate our emotions? It's human nature; we can't just switch off our feelings. It's okay to feel, but it's not okay to let those emotions consume us.

I've been working extremely hard at both my day job and my side job as a motivational speaker and life coach. This has led to neglecting my household and family responsibilities. The realization that I've been neglecting my family hit hard. Family should always come first, regardless of career ambitions. Without my family, I would have nothing. I am incredibly lucky to have them and want to show my appreciation by being present.

This morning, I took some time to reflect quietly before work, sipping coffee and meditating. I decided to let go of my work frustrations. If I can't control a situation, I won't let it control my emotions. I'll embrace change and try to make the best of it. Finding the positive in frustrating situations is essential to overcoming triggers.

I also used meditation to understand that my family isn't upset with me but hurt by my absence. They love me, and I have a responsibility to be present and fulfill my home obligations. There's nothing wrong with taking a break from work when I get home. I can unwind, have dinner with my family, and connect with them on a personal level. If this means stepping back from work for a bit each day, that's okay. Work will still be there later. As long as I meet my deadlines, everything else can wait an hour or two while I spend time with my family.

Balancing my work life with my home life is challenging, especially as I try to grow a side business. It takes time outside my normal working hours. I've realized it's all about balance. We need to prioritize what's most important in our lives. Work without family is a sad life for me to live. I wouldn't risk losing my family for a job. They mean more to me than a paycheck. My work is incredibly important, but it comes second to my family.

I find that sitting quietly with a warm, comforting drink, like a cup of coffee, and entering a meditative state are crucial coping skills for overcoming stress. Meditation helps me step back from the situation and see the bigger picture, allowing me to prioritize and let go of things beyond my control. I highly recommend this to anyone dealing with stress. Taking some quiet time to reflect and meditate can put things into perspective and provide clarity.

Jun 25, 2024

2 min read





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